A Book On Algebra For Teacher Educators, Graduate Students And Teachers

Leading team

Prof. Abraham Arcavi

Prof. Kaye Stacey, University of Melbourne, Australia

Prof. Paul Drijvers, Freudenthal Institute, Netherlands

R&D team

The leading team are the authors


This book was commissioned by “Interweaving Mathematics Pedagogy And Content for Teaching” (IMPACT) a textbook series published by Routledge. The purpose of this book is to provide both practical and research-based introduction to the main issues in school algebra education which nowadays remains one of the core challenges of mathematics education in general. The target audiences for this book are mathematics teacher education students, graduate students in mathematics education and practicing teachers. It will include a characterization of school algebra, its historical development, students’ perspectives on algebra, pedagogical issues and the role of digital technologies. The book is under preparation and will be submitted for publications towards the end of 2014.