מבוא לשיטות מחקר בהוראת המדעים

The first part of the course will focus on the acquaintance with the five schools of philosophy of education: Essentialism, Progressivism, Perennialism Existentialism, and Behaviorism.


Students who start their studies in the area of science education face a new and very broad field of methodology of research. The goal of this course is to provide the basic concepts, languish and philosophy of methodology research in science education.


  1. Types of research methods: exploratory research, descriptive research, explanatory research, predictive research, demonstration research.
  2. Paradigm of research methods: quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed research.
  3. Types of variables that are involved in educational research: categorical, quantitative, dependent, independent, intervening, moderator.
  4. Research problem and research questions.
  5. Research structures: experimental research, quasi experimental, non experimental.
  6. Research tools: qualitative, quantitative, mixed; scales (nominal, ordinal, interval ratio), errors (random, systemic).
  7. Reliability: test-retest reliability, equivalent forms reliability, internal consistency reliability, inter-scorer reliability.
  8. Validity: construct validity, content validity, internal structure, relevant validity.
  9. Sampling: random and non random techniques.
  10. Data analysis: quantitative, qualitative and mixed techniques.

Requirements: Exercises, class participation, final project.

המרצה פרופ' ניר אוריון, המחלקה להוראת המדעים, מכון ויצמן למדע.