סביבות למידה


The course will deal with four learning environments: the lab, the outdoor, the computer and the classroom. The course will focus on the acquaintance and understanding the educational potential of each of the learning environments and mainly on the integration of all of them to a coherent learning scheme. The course will start with learning about the educational advantages and limitations of each learning environment. Then, each student will have to map the use of these learning environments within his/her own discipline of study and to evaluate the quantity as well as the quality of the use and integration of learning environments within his/her discipline.

המרצה פרופ' ניר אוריון, המחלקה להוראת המדעים, מכון ויצמן למדע.



סביבות הלימוד החוץ כיתתיות – למה ואיך?
