Batsheva de Rothschild Workshop on
Embodied Cognition and Learning in STEAM

(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)

Terms of Use​

Dear user

The use of masculine form in this document is done for convenience only, and its content addresses all users equally.

Welcome to the website of the Department of Science Teaching, at the Weizmann Institute of Science (hereinafter: “the Website” and “The Department” respectively). The Website is operated and managed by the Department and includes a great deal of information concerning various topics, including links to the sub-sites of the various groups operating under the Department, and to the Weizmann Institute of Science's website. By accessing the Website and/or by executing any action on it, you declare that you have read and understood the Website’s terms of use, which constitute an agreement between the Department and you (“Terms of Use”), that you accept these terms and that you will act in accordance with them, that you will be bound by the Terms of Use for all intents and purposes and that you and/or any representative acting on your behalf shall hold no allegation and/or claim and/or demand against the Department and/or any representative acting on its behalf, other than to the extent the Department has violated the Terms of Use. Inasmuch as you do not accept the Terms of use, you are asked to exit the Website and to refrain from using it and/or its services.

  1. General

    • 1.1 Use of the Website is subject to the Terms of Use and their application. Therefore, you are asked to read the Terms of Use carefully and to act in compliance with them.
    • 1.2 The information and content available on the Website are provided in their condition as is, and you shall hold no allegation, claim and/or demand against the Department and/or any representative acting on its behalf based on the Website’s properties, limits and/or options provided therein, or in relation to its suitability to your needs and demands.
  2. Proper Use of the Website

    • 2.1 You hereby undertake to use the Website responsibly and to treat other visitors to the Website, its operators, and any other entity which may suffer damages as a result of your use of the Website, with respect.
    • 2.2 Use of the Website is intended for legal purposes only. Should the Department discover and/or suspect that you are not using the Website in a proper manner, it may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, block your ability to use any of the services offered on the Website (in their entirety or in part), immediately and without providing prior notice.
  3. Limited Use / Limitations under Copyright and Intellectual Property Laws

    • 3.1 The Terms of Use apply to the use of the Website and the contents included therein. The term Content or Contents includes, without limitation, databases, graphic design, information of any sort and kind, including news stories, articles, data reviews, news items, analyses, contents, assessments, in the form of text, images, video clips, computer software, computer database and/or sound, which will be made available to the Website users, and any other item related to the operation of the Website.
    • 3.2 The copyrights and intellectual property rights to the services and Contents included in the Website, as well as trademarks and commercial names, belong to the Department and/or to third parties, who have granted the Department a user's license as required by law, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
    • 3.3 If you believe the Website and/or the Contents violate in any manner copyrights that you own, please inform us as soon as possible. Use of the Contents is limited to private use, and to use for teaching/learning purposes only, and they may not be used, in part or in their entirety, for any commercial or other use in contravention of the Terms of Use, including:

      • 3.3.1 Creating a link from the Website or to the Website to any other website which includes offensive materials;
      • 3.3.2 Illegally accessing material and/or computer files and/or transferring a computer virus to other computers and/or using or disrupting the operation of other computers in violation of the provisions set forth in the Computers Law, 5755-1995.
      • 3.3.3 Publishing any offensive content or content which may, in the opinion of the Department, damage the good name and reputation of the Department, its workers and/or any representative acting on its behalf and/or those of third parties.
  4. Use of website content, without derogating from the said in this document, the Terms of Use applying to the Website website name shall be as follows:

    • 4.1 Written materials – The Terms of Use of written materials alone (not including images/video clips/applets), whose copyrights are owned by the Department, may be used for private use and for use for teaching/learning purposes only. They may not be used, in part or in their entirety, for any commercial or other use in contravention of the Terms of Use. The Department must be credited in a prominent manner in any use of such materials.
    • 4.2 Images – the Terms of Use of images shall be as follows:

      • 4.2.1 Images without an identified source, whose copyrights are owned by the Department, may be used for private use and for use for teaching/learning purposes only. They may not be used, in part or in their entirety, for any commercial or other use in contravention of the Terms of Use.
      • 4.2.2 Images taken form the Shutterstock website, whose copyrights are owned by the Shutterstock website, may not be used or copied under any circumstances. These images include Thumbnails (a “small image” – a smaller version of the image assisting in identifying the image and the topic), unless specified otherwise under the Thumbnails, and images expressly specified as being taken from the Shutterstock website.
    • 4.3 Video Clips

      • 4.3.1 The Terms of Use of the video clips taken from the YouTube website and embedded in the Website – shall be in accordance with the terms of the license specified on the YouTube website itself (Creative Commons or Standard YouTube License) which may be viewed by clicking the YouTube caption appearing under each video clip.
      • 4.3.2 The Terms of Use of embedded video clips taken from other websites, should be checked individually in accordance with the link appearing under each video clip or in it and directing to the website from which it was taken, and in which the relevant terms of use should be checked.
    • 4.4 Applets – (“Small applications” – computer games, computer simulations). The Terms of Use of applets shall be as follows:

      • 4.4.1 PhET project applets – in accordance with the reference to the website from which they were taken – usually a Creative Commons license which may be viewed by clicking the following link which clarifies the terms of the license.
      • 4.4.2 Other applets – Should be checked individually in accordance with the link appearing under the applet or in it and directing to the website from which it was taken, and in which the relevant terms of use should be checked.
    • 4.5 Linked content and user content – The Website includes links to content provided by other websites and to content provided by the Website users. The Department has no control over the content provided by other websites and/or the content published by the Website users, and the Department makes no representations regarding their content.
    • 4.6 You hereby agree that upon entering any website you will be bound by such website’s terms of use and policies, and shall bear sole responsibility for complying with them. It is hereby clarified that the provision of a link to a website and/or the display of content provided by a user do not indicate a sponsorship and/or agency relationship and/or support of the opinion and/or agreement with the facts stated therein. The Department does not guarantee that all the links found on the Website will work and will lead to an active website. The existence of a link to a specific website does not indicate that the content of such website is reliable, full or up-to-date.
    • 4.7 The Website may offer a search engine which will allow finding information and content published on the internet in general, and on the Website specifically. Part of the aforementioned information and content are not published by the Department or on its behalf, and the Department cannot control the contents of such publications or supervise over them.
  5. The Use of Website Services

    • 5.1 The Website services are intended for private use only and you may not use the Website in any way related to any commercial activity, unless you obtained the Department’s written consent in advance. You hereby undertake to not use the Website and/or any of its contents for any illegal purpose, and for any purpose forbidden under the Terms of Use. The Department reserves the right, without being obligated:

      • 5.1.1 To edit and remove from the Website any information that in its sole discretion violates the Terms of Use.
      • 5.1.2 To take any action against users who in the Department’s sole discretion violate the Terms of Use and/or use the Website for forbidden purposes, including the termination of services, blocking access to the Website and/or taking legal action.
    • 5.2 The Department shall not be liable for any damage caused to you as a result of any misuse of the Website by you and/or by any third party. You bear full and sole responsibility for any such forbidden use made by you, and undertake to indemnify the Department for any damage caused as a result.
  6. Services Requiring Registration

    • 6.1 Some of the services on the Website will require registration, and in the process of registration you may be asked to provide private information. Without providing the required information, needed for the completion of the registration process, you will not be able to register for these services. By completing the registration you approve that the information you provide will be kept by the Department and used by it, subject to the requirements of the law. It is possible that during the registration process you will be asked to pick a username and password used to identify you when you access the service. You are responsible to keep the user name and password in confidence, to prevent them being misused.
    • 6.2 The Department may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, decide to not allow you to use a service requiring registration. Without derogating from the above, the Department may cancel your registration for the service, or block your access to it, at its sole and exclusive discretion.
  7. Limited liability and Indemnification

    • 7.1 Without derogating from the said elsewhere in these Terms of Use, it is clarified that as a fundamental condition of this agreement, you explicitly agree that the use of this website is at your own personal responsibility.
    • 7.2 The Department does not guarantee that your access and/or use of the Website will be provided regularly, will be executed in a safe and secure manner and without errors and/or interruptions, or that use of the Website will have a specific outcome.
    • 7.3 The services offered on the Website are provided for use in their condition as is, without any responsibility assumed, explicit and/or implicit, other than such responsibility which may not be excluded under the law governing the Terms of Use or any responsibility the Department has explicitly assumed.
    • 7.4 The Department shall not be liable towards you for any damages, direct and/or indirect and/or accidental and/or special and/or consequential, and the Department shall not be responsible for any loss, whether direct or indirect, caused to the user and/or any third party, in all matters related and having to do with the Website and/or the services, their termination, limitation or suspension.
    • 7.5 The Department is not responsible for any content loaded to the Website by its users, and any such uploading of content, including any content whose very uploading violates third party rights, shall be done at the sole responsibility of the user.
    • 7.6 The Website may offer software you can download to your personal computer and/or links to websites allowing you to download such software. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the Department does not develop these software or test their quality, and the link provided to them does not testify to their reliability and/or their suitability to you needs or to the model of computer in your possession. Downloading the software to your computer shall be done at your sole and exclusive responsibility and their use is subject to the terms of the licenses included therein.
    • 7.7 You undertake to indemnify the Department, its workers, executives or any representative acting on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense they incur as a result of the violation of these Terms of Use. Additionally, you will be obligated to hold the aforementioned entities harmless against any allegation, claim and/or demand made against them by any third party as a result of content you submitted for publication on the Website and as a result of links you provided on the Website.
  8. Website Modifications and Termination of Use

    • 8.1 The Department may from time to time modify the structure of the Website, its appearance and its design as well as the scope and availability of the services offered therein, at its sole discretion. Naturally, making such modifications may cause malfunctions or inconvenience, even if only temporary. You shall have no allegation, claim and/or demand against the Department for the execution of such modifications and/or the malfunctions caused in the process of their execution.
    • 8.2 The Department may disconnect, limit or terminate the provision of services on the Website at any time, including, but without limitation, for the purpose of executing maintenance or construction activities.
    • 8.3 Without derogating from the above, the Department may terminate the provision of services on the Website, in their entirety or in part, at any time. Inasmuch as the Department decides to terminate the provision of services, a notice will be posted on the Website’s main page a reasonable amount of time in advance. Upon the termination of service, the Department shall keep the materials and content included in the Website for an additional reasonable time after which it shall be entitled to delete them without keeping any backups of them and without providing further notice.
    • 8.4 The Department reserves the right to alter the Website’s Terms of Use from time to time, at its sole and exclusive discretion. The alteration of the Website’s Terms of Use shall be done by updating them on the Website, and the change will bind you from the time of the update and onwards. Your continued use of the Website constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use, as they were updated. Inasmuch as you do not accept the Terms of Use updated on the Website, you are asked to exit the Website and to not use it and/or its services for any purpose.
  9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction – The Website’s Terms of Use shall be governed solely by the laws of the State of Israel. Any matter or issue arising from this agreement and/or related to the Website shall be heard only in the competent courts in Tel Aviv-Yafo.