Batsheva de Rothschild Workshop on
Embodied Cognition and Learning in STEAM

(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)

Organizing and Steering Committee

Dr. Roni Zohar
Weizmann Institute of Science

Roni Zohar, PhD -Researcher, educator and improvisation & dance instructor. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Neuroscience at the Weizmann Institute ...
(WIS) and connected between eye movements and learning sciences. Her PhD in Science Education at WIS, involved design and research of an approach combining physics studies and movement. Roni is interested in promoting the integration of science, movement and art in education. She won in the social science category in AAAS/Science Magazine’s ‘Dance Your PhD’ Competition.
Roni-Zohar ResearchGate profile
Movements as a Door for Learning Physics Concepts Sequence of movement exercises to improve concentration and release

Prof. Bat-Sheva Eylon (chair)
Weizmann Institute of Science

Bat-Sheva Eylon is a Professor (emerita) in the Science Teaching Department at the Weizmann Institute and acted as its head in 2008-2015. She studies ...
learning and teaching of physics and professional development of teachers and teacher-educators. She is recipient of the Israeli 2015 EMET Prize in Education, and a fellow of the AAAS and ISLS.

Steering Committee

Prof. Gerry Leisman, Haifa University

Gerry Leisman is Professor of Neuro- and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Research Fellow at Haifa University and concurrently Professor of Restorative Neurology ...
at the University of Medical Sciences in Havana, Cuba. He studies the relation between movement and cognition developmentally, examining mechanisms of self-organizing systems in the brain in fetal, neonatal, infant, and child development. He was one of the first to identify functional disconnectivities in the brain. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK), was elected Fellow of the Association for Psychological Sciences in 1990, Senior Member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in 1986, Life Fellow of the International Association for Functional Neurology & Rehabilitation in 2010 receiving its Lifetime Achievement Award 2011. He has published hundreds of papers and texts in the Neurosciences, Developmental Sciences, Cognitive Science, Biomedical Engineering, and in the Systems Sciences literature.

Prof. Sharona T. Levy, Haifa University

Batsheva de Rothschild was a biologist, trained at the Sorbonne, Paris and at Columbia University, New York. She worked for a while at the ...
Pasteur Institute, Paris. During World War II, Bethsabée joined the Free French Movment at its office in New York and volunteered for its armed forces. Assigned to London, she landed in Normandy during the Allied invasion, eventually reaching Paris, where she served as liaison between the French and the United States military forces. As a frequent visitor to the young State of Israel in the 1950s, she met with Prof. Ephraim Katzir (Weizmann Institute) and Prof. Alex Keynan (Hebrew University), who convinced her of the acute need to support basic research in Israel. In 1958, she established the fund bearing her name, which she personally

Dr. Alik Palatnik, The Hebrew University

Dr. Alik Palatnik. Faculty of the Shlomo (Seymour) Fox School of Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, researcher and lecturer in ...
mathematics education. His research and teaching examine various aspects of inquiry-based, student-centered instruction of mathematics including embodied learning; project-based learning, and teachers' professional development grounded in task design.