SDG 13 - Climate Change Action

The climate change challenge calls for urgent action to stop climate change, global warming and its effects.  The climate change module exposes students to the problem of global warming and its causes. Students learn how nature and our decisions affect this phenomenon and its consequences.  In the module, data are presented and analyzed, in order for students to reach conclusions regarding the problem and how to solve it.  At the end of the module, students consider how to reduce their “carbon footprint” and help save the planet.

לפעילות התחממות גלובאלית
Global Warming
לפעילות תחבורה וגורמים נוספים
לפעילות מעגל הפחמן
The Carbon Cycle
לפעילות התכת קרחונים
Melting Glaciers
לפעילות אקטיביזם